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Level 3

License Agreement

Hi there,

The text in my license.rtf does not appear in the "License Agreement" dialog during installation.
I use a Basic MSI project with IS2008. During design, when I select the LicenseAgreement dialog and click in the edit box that should contain the scrollable text (it's called memo scrollable text), I can see the properties of the edit box (I have 'visible' = true). However, the text does not appear when I run the debug.
Does someone have a clue on this?
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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

One thing to check: is it a "real" RTF file, and not, say, a renamed .txt file? Can you view its contents using WordPad?
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi Robert,

I can view it with WordPad, Notepad, Word,...
It seems that Basic MSI accept only rtf file. What strange is that I can view the text in the License Agreement Dialog Box while designing... not when testing nor when executing the release.
How I can see that it's a real rtf file?
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Flexera Alumni

Okay, you should not be able to view it with Notepad (since that shows only plain-text files); perhaps open with WordPad (not Word) and save as RTF?
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