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Level 3

Launch app on install -- check checkbox by default

This is driving me crazy as it should be simple to do, but I am finding it's not.

I have a Basic MSI project that I want to check the "Launch Application" checkbox by default on. Digging around I found that I can create a property called LAUNCHPROGRAM and set it to "1" which will check the box off by default.

Ok, so far so good but the problem then becomes when a user upgrades, the last screen does not show the checkbox, but the application launches by default because under the hood, the LAUNCHPROGRAM property is set.

So I make a condition to show the checkbox if (Installed or Not Installed And (REMOVE <> "ALL")). This does not work as the checkbox show up on fresh installs, upgrades, and uninstalls(!).

I can't seem to get this to work properly at all, and I thought it would be a really simple thing to set up.

Any ideas?
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(11) Replies
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

have custom action -> Launch_APP in SetupCompleteSuccess -> OK (Push button)


In the customw action:
Executable FileKey: **ur application**

it works for me n hope it will work for u 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 3

I don't get it. Will this display the checkbox checked on install and upgrade and when the user finishes the install the app will run?
0 Kudos
Level 6

clongo wrote:
I don't get it. Will this display the checkbox checked on install and upgrade and when the user finishes the install the app will run?

Bring up your project, and click on Project Assistant, and then Installation Interview, you should see the option that says

Do you want to give users the option to launch your application when the installation completes. Browser for your executable.

I have attached a screen shot in case you need to see what the screen should look like after you have followed the above directions.:)
0 Kudos
Level 7

Check this:
TIP: By default, the LAUNCHPROGRAM property has no value, and so the check box appears deselected by default at run time. To specify that the check box should be initially selected, you can add LAUNCHPROGRAM to the Property Manager view with value 1.
0 Kudos
Level 10

When exactly do you want it to run? I'm not finding that clear from your post.
0 Kudos
Level 6

KathyMorey wrote:
When exactly do you want it to run? I'm not finding that clear from your post.

I would like it to run once the user hits the next button (provided the launch my application checkbox is checked). I would like to be able to launch the app from the folder they installed our app in, the exe file name will always be the same regardless of what edition of the software they installed.

So really I just need to know where the app is installed, and then launch the app from that folder.
0 Kudos
Level 6

eladef wrote:
Check this:
TIP: By default, the LAUNCHPROGRAM property has no value, and so the check box appears deselected by default at run time. To specify that the check box should be initially selected, you can add LAUNCHPROGRAM to the Property Manager view with value 1.

Thanks for the link, still not seeing how that will tell me where the app was installed on the user's machine. I know if they do not change the location of where I have it set up to install, then I can find it and launch, but if they set up in a different folder. Then how do I track that.
0 Kudos
Level 3

eladef wrote:
Check this:
TIP: By default, the LAUNCHPROGRAM property has no value, and so the check box appears deselected by default at run time. To specify that the check box should be initially selected, you can add LAUNCHPROGRAM to the Property Manager view with value 1.

This works for new installs but it does not work for upgrades. If you set LAUNCHPROGRAM to 1 and upgrade, the checkbox does not show up but the app launches after the last step.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Ok. I got it to work for fresh installs and upgrades by:

1) Creating LAUNCHPROGRAM in the Property Manager and setting it to "1".

2) Setting the "Show" condition for both CheckLaunchProgram and LaunchProgramText in the SetupCompleteSuccess dialog to:


Wow, what a pain. Glad that's done.
0 Kudos
Level 2


i had the same issue as you did and follow your steps 1 and 2 still can't get my appz to launch.

What am I missing here?
0 Kudos
Level 6

jjb8297 wrote:
I would like it to run once the user hits the next button (provided the launch my application checkbox is checked). I would like to be able to launch the app from the folder they installed our app in, the exe file name will always be the same regardless of what edition of the software they installed.

So really I just need to know where the app is installed, and then launch the app from that folder.

I did look at the link suggested on the Launching your application after installation, but that shows me how to set it up for a single file and not the same situation that I am in.

So I am going to try and clear this up.

1. My application has four flavours to it. Depending on the licence key entered, determines which flavour is installed. All flavours have the same .exe file name.

2. The app can be installed in the home folder that I set up for the application, or a folder of the user's choosing.

3. How do you launch the .exe (dependant on what licence key was entered) if it is installed in the home folder that I set up. Keeping in mind that at on the SetupComplete dialog I may not know what licence key that they entered on the CustomerInformation dialog.

4. Same as #4, only difference is that the user has chosen where to install the app, and I do not know where that is unless it is installed in some global variable that I am not aware of.

If there is a sample app out that covers this scenario that would be very helpful, at this point I have not found anything of that nature. So any help would be appreciated.:)
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