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Level 4

Is it possible to add new Product Properties?

I am new to InstallShield and trying to upgrade our current installer from InstallShield 12 to InstallShield 2009.
When comparing the two projects, I see quite a few properties that differ.
Just wanted to know if its possible to add new properties, for eg: under 'General Information' -> 'Product Properties' - add a new property called 'TARGETDIR'?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Are the two projects different types? InstallScript projects in InstallShield 12 and InstallShield 2009 should both use TARGETDIR, and MSI projects in both should use INSTALLDIR...

For MSI, you can add custom "global" properties in the Property Manager or the Directory table, but they don't appear in the General Information view...
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Level 4

Thanks for the information Robert. Yes, the two project types are different. I am trying to create an InstallScript MSI project in IS 2009 from an InstallScript project in IS 12.
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