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Level 6

How to create the log file for Quickpatch type of installation?

I have to create the log file which contains the information about the installation done by the Quickpatch installer.
Is there any option for creating the log file or if it is getting created by default then what is the path for that?
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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

Logging a QuickPatch (or any type of patch) installation is the same as logging an MSI installation. For QuickPatches created for Basic MSI projects:
update.exe /v"/l*v C:\PathToLog\LogFile.log"

For QuickPatches created for InstallScript MSI projects:
update.exe /verbose"C:\PathToLog\LogFile.log"
0 Kudos
Level 6

Thanks for the reply.
The arguments that you suggested are the command line arguments that we need to specify when we runt the update.exe thru command prompt. I want to know the way thru which the log file can be created by just double clicking the update.exe.
And also we do not have any option here to modify the log file by using the SprintfMsiLog function.
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