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Level 3

Is extracting archive file during runtime supported??


I am using ISMP 11.5 B43516

I wanted to know if I can add a zip file to the project which should get extracted during runtime.

I found that I can add only a file or a dynamic link in the Files. And the installer treats a zip file as a simple flat file and places it on the system. But is there a provision any where which could extract an archive file (zip, tar, gz, etc) during runtime.

Thank you,
Preethi Mohan
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(7) Replies
Level 4

How about a winzip self-extractor?
0 Kudos
Level 3

Winzip extractor cannot be used as it cannot display huge license agreement.
0 Kudos
Level 4

License agreement???

If you are looking for a way to extract the files automatically, winzip-self extractor is a good option. It allows you to extract files without any prompts, though it is not recommended. It also allows us to specify a command, which can be used to run an executable or open a file.
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Level 3

Sorry for not being more clear.

The package that we create need to contain files in many forms: archives, flat files, directories. The installer also needs to display custom panels, run custom actions, get user input, etc. And that is the reason why ISMP 11.5 is chosen.

All I want to know is if ISMP11.5 specifically supports extracting an archive file during runtime in the install panel. If it does, how to do it?

Preethi Mohan
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Flexera Alumni

There's an Expand Archive action in the "extra Java beans" page here.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Thank you for the information. That meets our requirements.
0 Kudos
Level 3

For anybody who does what I did, and downloads the zip file containing all of the beans instead of just the ExpandArchive, you need to know that this will cause some problems (until Macrovision fixes the larger zip file).

The ismp.registry file included in the bigger zip file incorrectly references the ExpandArchive action. (And, I think, the XMLFileUpdateInArchive action).

The correct references are:

If you use the incorrect package names in the big archive's ismp.registry file, the actions will just not ever be available for use in the UI.
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