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Level 11

Is ISReleaseFlags Available in Deferred Execute Sequence?

I currently have an action running in Deferred Execution System Context conditioned with VersionNT64. I'm building 32/64 bit installs from the same project and I would rather the action only run during the 64 bit installation. Conditioning with VersionNT64 will still allow the action to run if we eventually support our 32 bit installation on 64 bit systems.

I would rather condition with ISReleaseFlags><"64Bit". Is that still available in the Deferred Sequence?
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Level 11

I tested and it appears conditioning CA with ISReleaseFlags><"SomeFlag" in the Deferred Sequence seems to work.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

To clarify things a bit, conditions on custom actions are evaluated in the immediate portion of the sequence when it chooses whether to execute or skip an immediate action or to schedule or skip a deferred one. Conditions evaluated by the code of a custom action are evaluated in the respective execution environment of the action (i.e. it could be immediate or in your described case it could be deferred); during the execution of deferred actions, the code would not have access to ISReleaseFlags (unless its value is passed through CustomActionData).
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Level 11

Yes, only used as a Condition so I should be OK.

Thanks for that info. That actually summarizes what I've been confused about for a while.
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