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Level 3

Installshield isn't installing Microsoft Reportviewer 10 on 64 bit Windows 7

In my Installshied 2011 Express project I have selected Reportviewer 2010 in Redistributables as a prerequisite.

The Reportviewer installation files are created in Disk1 folder.

The Reportviewer is installed on 32 bit systems.

The Reportviewer is NOT installed on 64 bit Windows 7.

What do I need to do? Quickly please!!!!!

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(1) Reply
Level 5

Sorry this may be a late reply but if it helps, you need to check the Conditions for that Prerequisite item. When you're viewing the Redistributables area Right Click the ReportViewer item and select Edit Prerequisite. Then Select the Conditions tab.
Not sure if this package supports 64bit but the default settings only allow it to be installed on 32bit.
At least this is how you do it in IS 2011 Pro, not sure about Express but it may help.

Good luck.

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