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Level 3

Installshield Newbie with custom action problems

Hello Everyone,

I am very new to Installshield and have mainly taught myself how it works from reading documentation. With the latest installer I am trying to make I keep hitting the same problems and I don't know how to solve them.

Problems I am having:
1) When I build and run the installer if the software is not installed then it will install the software correctly. If a previous install is detected then it will automatically apply the uninstall sequence. The first problem I would like to solve is to make sure that the user can select install/repair/uninstall. I am attempting to pick up someone else's work and I know that there is an install/repair/uninstall dialog box already included in the installer but I am unsure how to make sure it prompts (and also not sure how to make use of the selection the user makes)

2) The uninstall sequence will execute successfully but because the condition for install is: NOT Installed AND NOT PATCH immediately after the uninstall sequence has run it attempts an install (which is undesired). To make things worse, the install subsequently fails because it attempts to call an exe which is part of the installation but since the uninstall had previously ran no such exe exists in specified path on the destination machine. Because the install then fails, it rollsback the changes (this part is correct), including the uninstallation.

If anyone could help me with these problems or point to documentation I can read to try and resolve, I would be extremely grateful.

Here are some screenshots:
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Level 17

If you're supporting a comprehensive update of a product, you should consider using a major upgrade of Windows Installer that removes a previous version of an application and installs a new version. The following InstallShield 2014 help topics should help you find the best upgrade solution for you:

Upgrades Overview
Determining the Best Upgrade Solution
Upgrade Considerations
Major Upgrade vs. Minor Upgrade vs. Small Update
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