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Level 8

Installscript check Uninstalling

How can I check to see if the user is uninstalling the system. I have the system performing a task on_end() and need to check if the installer is installing, uninstalling or doing an upgrade or maintenance.

Also looking for a way to stop the system from removing a folder I create using CreateDir("MyFolder") when it uninstalls.
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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

For InstallScript, you might look into the REMOVEALLMODE and MAINTENANCE system variables to detect the different modes.

As for leaving a folder behind, you might look into Disable(LOGGING) and Enable(LOGGING).
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Level 8

These helped alot thank you.

I am also wondering about how the installer records things for uninstallation. I have a custom dialog that asks for an IIS set and I set it and use szIISid and szIISservercomment and to a text replacement using something like TEXTREPLACE("", szIISid,FALSE); are these values stored in the information so an upgrade will now to use these settings, or will I need to prompt for this information again during an upgrade.
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Flexera Alumni

You might open the InstallScript uninstall log with the log viewer (under the Tools menu, I think). If the value's aren't saved, you might look into calling LogWriteCustomString during the initial installation and LogReadCustomString during maintenance, or saving the information in some other persistent location...
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