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Level 2

Installing the Redistributable one after the other

We have few redistributable which are Prerequisites so we have added those installers under the application data -> Redistributables. when built, main installer is launching all the redistributable installers at a time and main installer is proceeding further for installation without waiting for prerequisite setup to finish, how to make the main installer wait for each redistributable to be installed before proceeding and also each redistributable should be launched one after the other instead of launching all the redistributable installers at a time?

I am using Basic MSI project , its happening in Installshield 2023 R2 and Installshield 2019 R2.

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(1) Reply
Level 10

The desired behavior (prerequisites run sequentially and not concurrently) is actually the way InstallShield's setup executable works.  If you don't believe this to be the case, try generating a setup debug log while running your setup on a system that doesn't have the prereqs installed and then post that log file here.

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