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Level 3

Installing on linux

I'm trying to install an setup created with ISMP 11.5 premier on linux (red hat enterprise) and am not having success. I'm pretty new to linux so I simply double clicked the setup.jar. That just opened the file. Then I went to a command prompt, made my way to the CD drive and tried to execute setup.jar calling java -jar setup.jar. This gave me errors.

What do I do. The install runs on windows. I have rpm integration enabled on my build configuration. Any ideas?
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(7) Replies
Level 6


Please try to build the launcher:

Go to: Media-> releases->distributions-> Linux launcher distribution

This will create a linux file (setup.bin for Linux).

Try to run this file.

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Level 3

I checked the setting and it has already been enabled. the message that comes up when I double click on the file is this:

the filename "setuplinux.bin" indicates that this file is of type "unknown". The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type "shell script". If you open the file, it might represent a securtiy risk to your system."

To open the file rename the file to the correct extension for "shell script", then open the file normally. Alternatively, use the open with menu to choose a specific application for the file".

Again, I'm a linux newbie so I'm a bit lost. What does that mean?
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Level 6

Have you tryed the bin file from command line ?
0 Kudos
Level 3

What errors do you get? Your report is unspecific....
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Level 3

Ran it from a command prompt and it worked fine.

I was actually trying to run my install on an linux virtual machine and it took a really long time (I got impatient and decided it didn't work).

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Level 3

You can run the installer using jar file also.

try the follwing commnad

java -cp jar_file run
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Level 6

Alternatively you can rename the executable file produced to .sh and it should work from x-windows.
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