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Level 6

Installer for prerequisite doesn't appear in foreground

I have Basic MSI project that has feature prerequisites. One of the prerequisites runs in full UI mode. The problem I'm having is that when I run my setup on Windows Server 2008 R2, the installer dialog for this prerequisite does not appear on top of my main installer. I have to click on the prerequisite's icon in the taskbar or move the main installer's dialog out of the way. This happens only on Windows Server 2008 R2, and it's not 100% reproducible. Is this a known issue, and is there a way to fix it/work around it?

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(3) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I haven't generally seen this as a problem, but it's possible that the prerequisite itself is prone to this sort of behavior. If you create a shortcut to the prerequisite's target executable with the appropriate arguments, can you reproduce the behavior just within Windows Explorer? If so, it's likely something to take up with the source for the prerequisite. Since we just use a ShellExecute, I'd guess this is likely to be the case.
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Level 6

Thanks for your response, Michael. I actually narrowed down further the scenario in which this happens. In addition to happening only on Windows Server 2008 R2, it only happens if you turn on the option in the prerequisite that says that the prerequisite may be optionally skipped by the user. As you probably already know, this option causes a dialog to be displayed to the end-user asking if they would like to install the prerequisite. Clicking Yes in this dialog launches the installer for the prerequisite in the background. When this option is disabled, the installer for the prerequisite is launched in the foreground as expected.
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Level 6

I discovered that this happens not only on Win Server 2008 R2, but also on Win Server 2008 and probably other OSes.
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