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Level 3

Installation with UAC enabled fails with "Error- 1925 Specified Profile entry..."

I am using InstallShield 2009(SP2) premier edition to create a setup.exe which I am running on Windows server 2008(win2k8) SP2 system. While installation it gives me the following error :
Installation with UAC enabled fails with "Error- 1925 Specified Profile entry could not be loaded".
On checking the msi logs I found that it is failing at the following statement:
MSI (c) (B8:98) [19:56:01:723]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ISAlias
MSI (c) (B8:98) [19:56:01:723]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: ISAlias 4: SELECT * FROM ISAlias

I confirm in my Installer project settings that "Required Execution Level" is set to "Administrator". Also I have a set windows installer property ISALWAYSINSTALLELEVATED whose value is 1. I am digitally signing the setup.exe and windows installer package, still I am seeing the error 1925 during installation on Windows server 2008(win2k8) SP2 system.

Any help or pointers on the issue resolution is greatly appreciated. Also is this something I am facing issue due to limitation or bug in InstallShield 2009?
Thanks in advance...
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(2) Replies
Level 7

I am guessing that this is a BUG in InstallShield. My installer (in IS2008) is having the same issue during minor upgrade on Vista (why not other OS's I don't know yet). It is trying to look up the ISAlias table, but there is no ISAlias table in the compiled .MSI because there are no feature or component names that NEED "aliasing" (because they don't conform to the MSI character specification). Empty project tables don't get created in the final .MSI database. InstallShield's setup.exe is simply looking up the table for some perverted reason of its own. And the bug is built into the undocumented BLACK HEART of setup.exe (Installshield would prefer not to tell us how it works). And we can't fix it because we can't alter Installshield's black box code. I am going to look into trying to put some FAKE data into the table.

Unless there is some other reason they want to tell us. I notice there is no InstallShield/Flexera response here.
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Level 2

Did you ever resolve this? I am having the same exact problem
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