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Level 3

InstallShield or InstallAnywhere, confused ??

Hi Friends,
I am planning to buy Install Shield 2008 for our J2EE based company software. Our software runs on both Windows and Linux platforms but the "Install Shield 2008" says its only for Windows platforms.

Then, I checked out "Install Anywhere for Multiplatform" and I think it runs on multiple platforms but it seems its not that much popular as compared to Install Shield.

In these forums,i also see "InstallShield 11 - Universal Installer Projects" but i cannot find any download links for this.

I am sort of confused now. Can someone please tell me which would be the best installer I should go for?

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You should talk to your sales representative or contact sales to get more specific information.

But InstallShield builds only Windows platform installations. If you need to build installations for other platforms, InstallAnywhere is your choice.

The products were split some time ago, so there is no longer a Universal project type.
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Level 3

Thanks Bryan,
I would certainly give the Sales guy a call...

But if Install Shield is just for Windows, how come we have forums here titled - "InstallShield MultiPlatform 11.5" ???
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Flexera Alumni

For more information, there's also the InstallAnywhere page:

(The InstallShield MultiPlatform and InstallShield Universal forums are here for those still using the products, just as we still have forums for InstallShield Windows 12 and earlier even though we no longer sell those versions.)
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Level 3

Thanks Robert,
OK I got it InstallAnywhere is the product I should go for...

Like i said before, my only concern is the "InstallAnywhere" forum has around "300" posts compared to "30,000" posts in "InstallShield".

So, are we the amongt those few people who need to install the software on multiple platforms :eek:
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Flexera Alumni

I think the difference is that the InstallAnywhere 2008 product and forum are relatively new; there was an older forum for earlier versions of InstallAnywhere on a different server, which presumably had many more posts, and the 30,000-thread figure you see is for all InstallShield versions (Windows-only and multiplatform) since InstallShield X, which was released in 2004.
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