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Level 6

InstallShield not compatible with mounted drives (subst)

When attempting to browse to a mounted drive (using the subst command to mount a folder as a new separate drive), installshield cannot see mounted drives.
If you try to type the path in the browse box, an error occurs.
Also trying to open a project in such a location (by double clicking it in explorer), installshield will give an error "This Project was not found. ...".
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(4) Replies
Level 9

You have to run subst command as Administrator.

It works on Vista Business well.
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Level 7

I just used the SUBST command and was able to create a new project and open one from a mounted drive...The weird thing is that Windows Explorer cannot find my new Drive....
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Level 9

I can see the new drive using WE.
0 Kudos
Level 6

The problem seems to be with the subst itself (especially in vista and upwards)
The subst is only valid for the user it is run for, and UAC elevation is a different user technically:

InstallShield runs elevated so it only sees mounted drive made by an elevated prompt.
However elevated prompt mounts are not seen by you because you are not elevated (so you don't see it in IE or any other app that is not elevated)

A solution would be to make the mounting twice with the same params: once normal and once elevated. Then both unelevated application (like IE) and elevated application (like InstallShield) would see the same thing.

To get this to work in a logon script is a pain in the ***, so i chucked out UAC made myself admin which spares me a load of headaches (thank you Microsoft)
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