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InstallShield does not remember licensing server

The company I work for has a licensing server and I have entered it into InstallShield. It accepts it and displays the licensing info when it is running. However, I am prompted for this information every time I open InstallShield. This not a big problem, but I also use ISCMDBLD.EXE to automate the build process from TeamCity. When I do this it generates the install package under trial mode. The only workaround for this is opening InstallShield and entering the licensing server right before I start the build. Then it works for some time. But it goes back to trial again eventually.

I have run tsconfig.exe /activate and entered it there as well, with no luck. When I run tsconfig.exe /info I get this info:
Trust flags: Fully trusted
Fulfillment ID: IS2013RTM
Entitlement ID: 1610626140
Product ID: Not Applicable
Fulfillment Type: Trial activation
Expires: 26-mar-2014
Feature Details:

INCREMENT mvsn 19.0 26-May-2009 uncounted sort=110 VENDOR_STRING=EVAL HOSTID=ANY TS_OK SIGN="0"
INCREMENT mvsn 19.0 26-May-2009 uncounted sort=110 VENDOR_STRING=EVAL HOSTID=ANY TS_OK SIGN="0"
INCREMENT mvsn 19.0 26-May-2009 uncounted sort=110 VENDOR_STRING=EVAL HOSTID=ANY TS_OK SIGN="0"
INCREMENT mvsn 19.0 26-May-2009 uncounted sort=110 VENDOR_STRING=EVAL HOSTID=ANY TS_OK SIGN="0"
INCREMENT mvsn 19.0 26-May-2009 uncounted sort=110 VENDOR_STRING=EVAL HOSTID=ANY TS_OK SIGN="0"

Can you please help me? My email is

Thanks 🙂
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Technical Writer
Technical Writer

You can create an environment variable MVSN_LICENSE_FILE with a value of [port]@[host] containing the information for your license server.
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