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Level 2

InstallShield Standalone Build stops mid-way but without errors

We have an installer project based on InstallShield 12 that has been failing to build correctly since starting the build cycle again this year. More specifically, the standalone InstallShield build (with IsSABld.exe), starts off building our install scripts, builds the Directory/feature/component/file table etc. and then just stops the build but doesn't throw any errors. When comparing with previous logs, at this point the InstallShield should start integrating the merge modules - which are still available and the paths to the merge modules are still correct. I've attached a log from a faulty build.

InstallShield still outputs an .msi but not the corresponding Setup.exe. Though the .msi is obviously incomplete, it should have a file size of around 27mb but in this case is about 80kb.

The strange thing though is that the exact same InstallShield Project built just fine in November of last year. I can verify that nothing in the InstallShield project (or in the entire build environment)  has changed since then - the exact same issue occurs when building after recovering a backup of the build system on the date of the last successful build. There are also no external dependencies outside of the build environment that have changed.

Is there maybe any extended/verbose logging for the InstallShield build that I could activate to diagnose this issue? Any other possible causes that I could check for?



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Level 3

Try uninstalling and reinstalling InstallShield.

I had something similar to this although my installer did not fail, it just didn't include any merge modules, or maybe it was the "NET scan at Build" option where it wasn't including any dependencies, I forget. I have no idea what caused it. I first thought perhaps a windows update but we run all updates once a month and an update had not run on the build server since last successful build.

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