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Level 10

InstallShield Pro 2009 vs Limited Edition 2011

Forgive the posting in two forums.

Question: Can I run InstallShield Limited Edition 2011 for Visual Studio 2010 on the same box as InstallShield Professional 2009? My boss would like me to see if we can do some/all of our installation projects through the Visual Studio IDE.
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(1) Reply
Level 10


InstallShield 2009 Professional edition and InstallShield Limited Edition may be installed on the same machine.

But only one edition of InstallShield can be used per instance of Visual Studio. For example, if you have an InstallShield Limited edition project (.isl) open within Visual Studio, and you also want to open an an InstallShield Professional project (.ism) within Visual Studio, then you must open a new instance of Visual Studio for the .ism project.

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