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Level 3

InstallShield 2018 Lite Perpetual License

Could somebody please tell me what is "InstallShield 2018 Lite Perpetual License" and where can I find more information about it?
I was not able to find anything but order form on Flexera site.

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(4) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Hi John,

A InstallShield 2018 Lite Perpetual License is a type of software license that authorizes an individual to use a program indefinitely. Generally, outside of termination, a perpetual software license allows the holder to use a specific version of a given software program continually with payment of a single fee.

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Level 3

Thanks Jenifer,

Any software license allows for using this version of the software, frequently with lifetime updates allows for using the software without a time limits. that is why I was thrown off by added perpetual that may mean using continually for all minor and major updates.
I should have also ask another question: where can I find more information about Install Shield lite 2018.

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Flexera Alumni

Hi John,

The below lines from InstallShield 2018 Lite's marketplace link:
" InstallShield 2018 Lite is provided without support, updates, or upgrades from Flexera."
So i guess you may not get updates on this pack.
Answering to your second question:
It is upgraded version of InstallShield Limited Edition which used to come with Microsoft Visual Studio versions(till VS2015).Only difference is, IS-2018 Lite is integrated only with Microsoft Visual Studio-2017.

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Level 3

Thanks Jenifer for the speedy response.

I was looking for something that work with VS2017 and I did not find a word of description on Flexera site.
It is working fine, and is less cumbersome than build-in VS2017 setup creator tool.

Thanks again.


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