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Level 4

InstallShield 2009 Premier Demo

I am evaluating this software for use at my company and I like everything I see. However, one of the biggest reasons we like the Premier package is the Repackager portion of the software. I am unable though to find this part of the software in the evaluation software. I have read other posts and have seen that it is available to Premier owners through updates. All updates are done on my evaluation copy and I still cannot find the Repackager. Can someone please confirm that this is not available to evaluation users or tell me where I can find it within the software?
Thank you in advance for the help.
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(2) Replies
Level 17

The Repackager is not available to evaluation users. You can view the documentation for it, though, to get an idea of how it works. Here's a link to a page that has a PDF file of the documentation:

(The Repackager documentation is the last one on that page.)

I hope that helps.
0 Kudos
Level 4

It does if anything keeps me from pulling my hair out looking for the feature. Thanks for showing me where the documentation is.
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