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Level 2

InstallScript Custom Action in MM Project Fails to execute

I've created a little bit of install script to edit some .ini files as part of a Merge Module. Made the function, compiles fine. Set up a custom action to call the function. Everything builds fine.

Include the MM as part of another Installscript project. The MM is getting used as the files in it are being installed. When I move the bit of script out into the parent project and put it into the OnFirstUIAfter function, it works. When the script is left in the MM supposedly being called by the custom action, no joy.

Am I trying to do something that just won't work?
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Level 6

diablomadman wrote:
I've created a little bit of install script to edit some .ini files as part of a Merge Module. Made the function, compiles fine. Set up a custom action to call the function. Everything builds fine.

Include the MM as part of another Installscript project. The MM is getting used as the files in it are being installed. When I move the bit of script out into the parent project and put it into the OnFirstUIAfter function, it works. When the script is left in the MM supposedly being called by the custom action, no joy.

Am I trying to do something that just won't work?

After building your MSI, do you see the MSM custom action sequenced in the InstallExecuteSequence/InstallUISequence tables? If not, you might need to author the ModuleInstallExecute sequence table in the MSM so that the parent MSI picks it up.
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