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Level 5

Install the application only for the Current User

I want that my app to be installed only for the current user.
I don't want to use the Customer Information dialog. By default is installed per machine.
I added the ALLUSERS property to PropertyManager table i left it "".
I also forced the ApplicationUsers = OnlyCurrentUser
I also changed the value of the AllUsers radio button from CustomerInformation dialog to "OnlyCurrentUser" even the dialog is not displayed.

I tried every posibility and my app is still installed per machine (for all users)
What I'm doing wrong?

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(3) Replies
Level 5

Why the feedback from macrovision - installshield is so slow?
I'm disappointed. A serious company should know that helping their customers rapidly is very important.
0 Kudos
Level 13

I have never tried this myself but I would think that you could have a custom action to set a property ALLUSERS. Schedule the custom action to execute before CostInitialize since path statements are resolved here.

Of course this may be problematic if you are distributing on Win9x.

Also, posting on these boards does not guarantee a response from InstallShield since it is a 'community' board. Most answers come from us, the community. And since most of us have full time jobs we cannot monitor the boards 100% 😄
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Not applicable

You might also want to try deleting the ALLUSERS property from the property manager entirely.
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