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Level 11

Install Rebuilds with InstallShield 2010 with a focus on Custom Actions...

Hi All,

Soon, I will begin work rebuilding our Wise installations with InstallShield 2010. The one area I really want to cleanup/streamline is the use of Custom Actions. Right now we have a mixed bag of different types of actions (.NET EXEs, WiseScript EXEs, vbscript, etc). I know vbscript isn't the greatest to use so those will be rewritten as needed.

I've also read that managed .NET actions should not be used either due to .NET dependency, but after hopping around the forums here, it seems IS has the capability to handle them. Our application also requires .NET 2.0 SP1 so we ensure that is installed. To date we haven't had any problems with our .NET CAs.

What I would like to do in the near future is to take an inventory or our actions with their main tasks. I would hope to post it here for you folks to take a look at each and give some feedback, but that might be a bit down the road.

Most of our CAs are not that robust. Alot of the Wise Script actions either grab registry entries and set/get Windows Installer Public Properties, edit files, etc.

First, I would like to plan on using all managed code if that is OK. ?? I somewhat know VB.NET, but have seen that many recommend C# or C++. Can VB.NET be used (both .exe's and .dlls that interact with the running .msi)?

I also have seen mention of using WiXs DTF coding to create managed custom actions. What is the advantage of using this over simply creating run of the mill managed code in Visual Studio?

Also, are there any Vista/Windows 7 UAC considerations that need to be taken into account. Our installation requires Admin rights to install so I don't know it that will prevent any problems with running managed code CAs.

I hope to gain some good information so that I can create a roadmap for my Custom Actions for the soon to be rebuilt installs.

I also hope to get some good feedback on my Custom Action inventory, which I will post ASAP!

Thanks in advance for any tips, advice, info! Its greatly appreciated.

Can't wait to get back into the InstallShield swing of things!! 😄
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Level 16

The "don't write managed ca's" mantra has been updated to be "don't use installer class ca's". DTF is an excellent solution and I suggest it's use for you.

Any serious rewrite will of course take careful consideration of what CA's can be eliminated. For example AppSearch instead of reading registry when possible.

I would suggest that you search my blog for "DTF" and read all the articles to help get you started.
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