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Level 3

Install Locations and Hyperion Home used in Installshield Options File

Could someone please indicate where I can set the "Installation path" and the "Hyperion Home" directory as the following seems to have NO effect.

the contents of my options file hyperion.iss also contain :-

# Hyperion SQR Client Install Location
# The install location of the product. Specify a valid directory into which the
# product should be installed. If the directory contains spaces, enclose it in
# double-quotes. For example, to install the product to C:\Program Files\My
# Product, use
# -P installLocation="C:\Program Files\My Product"

-P installLocation="C:\SQR"

# Select the Hyperion Home Directory
# The required common components for the application will be
# to the identified location.


-W SetHyperionHome.hyperionHome=c:\Hyperion70

but when I run this against the setup I receive the following defaults in the setup boxes
C:\hyperion\SQR in the "Hyperion SQR Client Installation Directory Box" and
C:\Hyperion in the "Hyperion Home Directory"

I know the Setup file is being read as when I change the
"-W licenseNO.selection=1" to 2 and 1 this change is reciprocated in the actual default setup values that are displayed.
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(1) Reply
Level 9

How are you setting these values in your install? Do you have any custom code in your Events for OnBegin that change these to a default value? I know the way my installs are the options file only works for silent installs!

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