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Level 2

ISEXP : fatal error -6109: Internal build error

Hi, I'm getting the error -6109: Internal build error

Any clue on what could be wrong?

================= Logging started at 1/9/2013 04:48:23 ==================
Created release folders
AdminExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdminUISequence table successfully built
AdvtExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdvtUISequence table successfully built
InstallExecuteSequence table successfully built
InstallUISequence table successfully built
Directory table successfully built
Feature table successfully built
FeatureComponents table successfully built
Component table successfully built
Loading File table
Building File table
ISEXP : fatal error -6109: Internal build error
Express\SingleImage - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Labels (1)
0 Kudos

(3) Replies
Level 2

I have the exact same issue, any updates?

Below my log:

AdminExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdminUISequence table successfully built
AdvtExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdvtUISequence table successfully built
InstallExecuteSequence table successfully built
InstallUISequence table successfully built
Directory table successfully built
Feature table successfully built
FeatureComponents table successfully built
Component table successfully built
Loading File table
Building File table
ISEXP : error : -6109: Internal build error
Express\SingleImage - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)
0 Kudos
Level 17

Would it be possible for you to post a sample project that reproduces the behavior so that we can look into the issue? Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
0 Kudos
Level 2

Any updates on this issue? I've tried everything in recommendations.
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