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Level 8

ISCmdBld.exe not recognizing switches

I'm trying to build an MSI from a Basic MSI project from the command-line using ISCmdBld.exe. I have InstallShield installed on a remote machine though. Building this way works fine locally from that machine, but when I try to do it from my machine remotely, I run into problems.

I change the working directory to the remote machine on my command-line, then execute
ISCmdBld.exe -x -c COMP -e N -p "C:\MyProject" -a "Product Config 1" -r "Config 1 Release"

The MyProject folder is located on my machine, as are the rest of the resources, it's just InstallShield itself that is located on the remote machine. When I execute though, I get the error that 'Product Config 1' is not preceded by a switch.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I have no idea why ISCmdBld.exe won't work remotely, all my paths and everything are correct.
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(1) Reply
Level 8

Does anyone know if IsCmdBld.exe works remotely?

I can get it to work locally, but it seems like it doesn't support remote calls.
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