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Level 2

IS throws an exception when the temp folder doesn’t have enough space.


My application is developed for Thin Clients. Because of that, we have a lot of restrictions related with disk space. By default, Thin Client RAMDrive (Z drive) has 16 MB and temp folder is under Z drive.

My application needs 13MB free on Z drive in order to extract all necessary files. So, when we have:

Disk Space >= 13 MB:
Application extracts all files that it needs to temp folder and it works fine.

Disk Space ~= 10 MB:
Application fails and the following dialog is shown:

An error (-5006 : 0x8004232b) has occurred while running the setup.

There is not enough space to initialize the setup.
Please free up at least 2988KB on your drive z: before you run the setup.

Disk Space <= 5 MB:
Application fails and this terrible dialog is shown.

>SetupNew\setup.cpp (135)
@Windows XP Service Pack (2600) IE 6.0.2900.2180

Anyone knows how to avoid or to edit this message?

We've upgraded IS 11.5 to IS 2008. One of the features of IS 2008 is the new engine. This new engine isn’t stored in “c:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield” anymore. Now, the engine is stored in the temp folder too. That is a big problem for us. The dialog shown in IS 11.5 is pretty much better as you can see.

Setup has experienced an error.

Please do the following:
- Close any running programs
- Empty your temporary folder
- Check your Internet connection (Internet-based Setups)

Then try to run the Setup again.

Error code: -6002

Anyone knows how to change the place where the engine will be stored?

Some relevant information:

- IS 2008.
- Install Script Project.
- I can't run the installer in silent mode.
- I can't change the environment variable %temp% to another folder.

Thanks in advance,
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(2) Replies
Level 2

Even using basic msi poject or installscript msi project this issue persist. Installshield don't check the disk space before to extract its files.

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Level 4

I haven’t used installs script so cant offer advice for that, but I would look for a mechanism for checking how much space the machine currently has. This can be achieved with msi using the OutOfDiskSpace\OutOfNoRbDiskSpace properties and a dialog similar to the OutOfSpace one provided by IS.
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