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Level 2

IIS7 Application without Virtual Directory

I need to be able to create an application in IIS7 on Vista and Server 2008 without having to create the VD. This is with an InstallScript Project. (not MSI)

I found a thread in the InstallShield 2008 section
That said IS2009 would allow this. I am running IS2009 SP2 (fresh install) and cannot find how to do this.

I have a Website and an Application pool defined. The application pool gets installed but the web site will only get installed if I add a VD. When I add the VD I get what looks like duplicate folders in IIS7 (The virtual under the application both pointing to the same set of folders). If I manually set up the application in IIS7 I only have to create the application and point it at my web app.
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(2) Replies
Level 2

I am experiencing the same problem. IS9 creates the web application directory just fine, but it adds a virtual directory beneath it which is a shortcut to the same physical path.

How can I keep these from appearing?
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Level 2

If you are doing this on Win2k8 (not sure about other OS's) - and you turn on IIS 6 Metabase Compatability... like so:

ServerManagerCmd -i Web-Metabase

and you turn on:


Then you will NOT get the hokey ghost VMs.

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