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Level 10

IIS: Install on both 64bit and 32bit systems

I don't want to biforcate the process at a higher scope than necessary, but since our web apps are all ASP.NET and it's all build as "Any CPU" so the only difference between installing on 32bit vs 64bit servers is that i want the ASP.NET platform and the Application Pool to flip based on VersionNT64.

Right now it looks like the "right way" to do this would be to write a CA that modifies the MSI at run-time.

The "other way" to do it would be to duplicate the entire site configuration under two different components, and then condition those components based on VersionNT64. I don't want to duplicate anything for maintenance reasons.

Any thoughts here?
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(2) Replies
Level 5

You can create separate components for 32 and 64 bit in area of Website and application pool.
And then put condition on their components.
SO in the end you will be getting 4 components 2 for web site and 2 for app pool.

Other ways you can publish separate installers for 32 and 64 bit OS.
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Level 10

The "other way" to do it would be to duplicate the entire site configuration under two different components, and then condition those components based on VersionNT64. I don't want to duplicate anything for maintenance reasons.

That said, the team has decided to take advice from a talk from Richard Campbell entitled "Ten Web Performance Tuning Tricks in 60 Minutes" wherein he recommends using all 32-bit web apps running on a 64bit OS, so that terminated my investigation into this now non-issue.

You know in New England we say "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." Sometimes at work I feel like if I run into a technical obstacle, I should just wait for the requirements to change.


That said, if anyone has another solution, please suggest away. Someone down the line might want to ignore Campbell's advice and do this themselves, so the conversation is still valid.
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