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Level 6

Howto remove file in a InstallScript Project?


In the past when I was working on a "Basic MSI Project" I removed some files from the installation using a minor upgrade, which caused me all sorts of problems; so I learned the hard way that when you want to remove a file/component you need to do a major upgrade.

I am a bit confused about the difference between an "InstallScript Project" vs. an "IntsallScript MSI Project". I believe the project I'm currently working on now is an "InstallScript Project" without any MSI.

Do "InstallScript Projects" have the concept of major/minor upgrade?
I don't see an "Upgrade Code" as a property in the General Information.
Do I need to do anything special when removing a file from a "InstallScript Project" to avoid problems?

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Level 9

There's no minor/major upgrades in non MSI projects.
In InstallScript you have full release and differential release....
Quite easy to delete files as everything is script driven......
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