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Level 2

How to use properties as Service accounts in Basic MSI project

Hello All,

I am developing a Basic MSI project using InstallShield 2008. I am installing 2 Windows Services as part of this project and I would like to configure the service accounts of each service based on input the user enters in a dialog screen. I've tried setting the username and password of each service with a property in the following formats:
{PROPERTY}, [PROPERTY], PROPERTY, and other variations.

Unfortunately, the installer throws an error during installation when I do this. It seems like it is expecting either a blank username and password or a hardcoded value. How can I configure InstallShield to use properites as the username and password for the services I am installing?

I would appreciate your assistance.

- Johnny
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

The ServiceInstall table uses the Formatted data type for the StartName and Password fields, so [PROPERTY] should work. What is the particular error?

(One common issue is that the account must have the "log on as a service" right, which is not set by default.)
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Level 2

I finally got it to work using the [PROPERTY] format. There was another property I disabled or enabled (not sure) in this same properties window and things started working (referenced in another forum post I found). Not sure what it was.
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