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Level 2

How to save service credentials while upgrading

Is there any way by which we can retain the service credentials while upgrading from one version to another?
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(2) Replies
Level 7

I do this same thing with our DataConnectionString, i encrypt the string, save it to the registry and then upon upgrade pull that string back in, decrypt and set the installer properties. Then the user doesnt have to re-enter them. Also works well for the silent installs in MSI projects
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Level 2

PlinyElder wrote:
I do this same thing with our DataConnectionString, i encrypt the string, save it to the registry and then upon upgrade pull that string back in, decrypt and set the installer properties. Then the user doesnt have to re-enter them. Also works well for the silent installs in MSI projects

In my case, I have an application which has a service. What if the user sets an account credential from its properties. Now, If he wants to upgrade to newer version which I am building how can I make sure that those service credentials will be retained after the upgrade? As of now while testing I can see those credentials are getting disappeared. In this case, everytime user upgrades to newer version he needs to put credentials again.
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