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Level 4

How to run repair via commandline using setup.exe

Hi All,

I do have a question. I want to run a repair via the commandline and I am currently using this format.

msiexec /fomus {ProductGUID}

I want to use the setup.exe and just past the argument of the msiexec option but it's NOTworking. Am I missing something here?

setup.exe /v"/fomus {ProductGUID}"

Hope to hear your comments.

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(2) Replies
Level 7

It appears that setup.exe doesn't have a special installation mode command line argument to instigate a MSI repair operation. So it will be necessary to accomplish this with command line parameters directly to msiexec as in the following command line:

(silent repair)
setup.exe /v"REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus /qn"

(basic ui repair)
setup.exe /v"REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus /qb"

You can modify the value of REINSTALLMODE to control what is reinstalled during the repair. Also note that no MSI ProductCode should be passed in. This is because setup.exe will use the MSI file that it is associated with (via setup.ini).

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Level 4

Instead of passing the /fomus argument from my msiexec repair option. I can use the REINSTALLMODE property.

Thank you very much!
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