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Level 2

How to run Installshield 2016 with powershell parameters?

I'm trying to use Installshield and run a Powershell command with parameters. I didn't find anything online or in the manual. Anyone have any ideas?
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(10) Replies
Level 11

jweiss wrote:
I'm trying to use Installshield and run a Powershell command with parameters. I didn't find anything online or in the manual. Anyone have any ideas?

Do you mean, as a custom action?

Or as a *.prq?

(Just run it with params like you would from the command line)

Or are you trying to use the InstallShield Automation layer?

0 Kudos
Level 2

I'm trying to run it as a custom action. I right click on Custom Actions and select - New Powershell- stored in binary table.
I can do this and point to the powershell script but adding any command line options after the filename causes a error 'The file name specified does not exist.'

Is there another way to do it?
0 Kudos
Level 13

jweiss wrote:
I'm trying to use Installshield and run a Powershell command with parameters. I didn't find anything online or in the manual. Anyone have any ideas?

One way to handle this is to first set property values in your installer and in your PowerShell script call get-property -name [Property Name]

DISCLAIMER: I have never run a PowerShell custom action - but have plenty of experience with other types. 🙂
0 Kudos
Level 6

As you’ve discovered, one can’t pass parameters when calling a PowerShell Script File Name.

Do what Dan L. suggested and pass your needed parameters vis [PROPERTIES]

Here is a simple PowerShell .ps1 file you can try that gets a property.
It includes a MessageBox that comes up in the middle of install that can be used to debug.
Also includes a line that writes to the Installer log.
If you place this Custom Action in the User Interface sequence you can see the dialog when running in Test User Interface mode.
You can also run the script in the PowerShell ISE app. You’ll get an error when it tries the get-property and trace-info as those are InstallShield-only components but it will run and you’ll get the dialog.

$Value1 = get-property -name INSTALLLEVEL

$Message = "INSTALLLEVEL: $Value1 "
$Title = "Property Check"
$Buttons = "OK"
$Icon = "Information"
$oReturn=[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($Message, $Title, $Buttons, $Icon)

trace-info -LogMessage "INSTALLLEVEL was $value1"
0 Kudos

I use the same method.
0 Kudos
Level 2

InstallShield uses setup.exe as the bootstrap loader to call the Microsoft Windows Installer service. Setup.exe can accept command-line parameters that allow you to perform administrative installations, run silent installations, and complete other administrative tasks fill kroger survey form.
0 Kudos
Level 2

the filename causes a error 'The file name specified does not exist.' kroger survey
0 Kudos
Level 3

The bootstrap loader is stored in the master boot record (MBR) on the computer's hard drive. When the computer is turned on or restarted, it first performs the power-on self-test, also known as POST. If the POST is successful and no issues are found, the bootstrap loader will load the operating system for the computer into memory. The computer will then be able to quickly access, load, and run the operating system.

0 Kudos
Level 3

filename causes the error "The filename specified does not exist."

0 Kudos
Level 3

InstallShield is a proprietary software tool for creating installers or software packages. InstallShield is primarily used for installing software for Microsoft Windows desktop and server platforms, though it can also be used to manage software applications and packages on a variety of handheld and mobile devices.

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