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Level 8

How to run Installer class in deferred execution (Terminal Server Aware)

I have an installer class which i am adding it to one basic msi project.

I wanted to set the Installer class in-script execution to deferred execution (Terminal Server Aware). but when ever i try to add the installer class dll to a component and take a build i can see that in the generated msi that its in-script is set as Deferred Execution in system context.

Can anyone tell me How to set the in-script execution to deferred execution (Terminal Server Aware) for the installer class?
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(4) Replies
Level 8

Found the issue:
There is this file in the path \InstallShield\2011\Support\0409\ called Settings.xml where all the CAs settings are set by default.

In it one entry under

For deferred execution (Terminal Server Aware) the Type value should be 17409 editing this xml file has done the job for me.

One downside is that after setting this all the installer class you add to anyproject will be built with this only.

I hope Flexera would come up with some fix for this issue.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

You can always create the actions which launch the installer class yourself, and disable the option for that component. I would not expect to see the addressed further in future releases, as installer classes have horrible failure behaviors that can only be fixed by the providers of InstallUtilLib.dll
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Level 8

thankyou Michael
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Level 16

I would take MichaelU's advice about how horrible InstallUtil is. I would also note that there is a most excellent alternative to Installer Classes you just won't ever see it muttered from his lips.

Google Windows Installer XML DTF Custom Actions. In a nutshell it's a very rich SDK for building .NET custom actions that appear as C++ custom actions ( Type 1 ) to Windows Installer. It gives you the full power of the MSI Interop at runtime and is fully compatible with InstallShield.

It's the gold standard for managed code custom actions.
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