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Level 5

How to remove Suite installation from command line

To be able to remove a MSI installation from commandline, we can use this command.

MsiExec.exe /x {C5E3A1D6-1E8A-4BC3-A03E-CBBC4720FCDS}

When i try to use the same command for an installed Suite, using the Suite GUID number, i get.

[Window Title]
Windows Installer

[Main Instruction]
This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.


How can i uninstall a suite from command line, when i don’t have access to the Suitesetup.exe?
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

As long as you have an ARP entry, there is a suite exe you can launch. It's stored in [ProgramFilesFolder]InstallShield Installation Information\{GUID} - I think this GUID may be the same as the Suite GUID.
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