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Level 4

How to reload a dialog dispaying a property value

Hi there, I have a DialogBox with Edit fields, a Text field and a "validate" button. it waits for user's input. I hope after clicking "validate" button it will return a value to be displayed on the Text field from custom action. However, the Text field cannot be refreshed itself after push button action.

Therefore, my question is how to refresh or reload a dialogbox after an action.

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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

I'm not aware of a built-in way to refresh a dialog box. The closest thing I'm aware of is to define two identical-looking dialogs, and switch between them when the user clicks Validate; this technique works in situations where clicking Next and then Back refreshes the values you want.

(A word from our sponsor: This is one of the techniques discussed in our Advanced Windows Installer course.)
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Level 4

RobertDickau wrote:
I'm not aware of a built-in way to refresh a dialog box. The closest thing I'm aware of is to define two identical-looking dialogs, and switch between them when the user clicks Validate; this technique works in situations where clicking Next and then Back refreshes the values you want.

(A word from our sponsor: This is one of the techniques discussed in our Advanced Windows Installer course.)

Thanks Robert! It works perfect just like what i want.
(ps: I have taken your MSI training course a couple of weeks ago, it helped. I hope i can have chance to take this advanced course sometime)
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Flexera Alumni

Good news---and thanks for posting the follow-up!
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