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Level 4

How to read a external File during installation

I want to read the contents of a xml file and set it to a $V(variable).

For this purpose, i have a java class .

This Java class is able to read the File using regular Java I/O. But if i integrate this class with Installer in OnInstalled event of a component , then it is not reading the File.
I am not able to find out what is the problem.

Is there any guidelines that i need to follow to make File I/O from installer.

or Is there any other alternative way to read a file?.

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(1) Reply
Level 3

Have you succeed integrating other classes in the "OnInstalled". Maybe you should make sure that part is working correctly (I haven't tried before).

As for reading external files, I do that inside a Dialog using FileInputStreams, and I cannot recall having any trouble with it.

As an alternative, I think there are no predefined "Product Actions" for this, but maybe you could download the "XML File Update" from and modify it, or create one from scratch. You can add that Product action to the component after the "Copy Files" action.
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