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Level 4

How to put files in a users %appdata% directory


I am creating an Installer for our product called PrismWin. I want to store per-user settings in each user's %appdata%\prismwin folder

I tried creating the prismwin folder by using the "Files and Folders" view (in Installation Designer).

1) Show [LocalAppDataFolder]
2) Create a PrismWin folder under that
3) Build the install package
4) Run the install package.

The trouble is that my install package creates this directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\robert.wheadon\Local Settings\Application Data\PrismWin


C:\Documents and Settings\robert.wheadon\Application Data\PrismWin

How to I make a directory under the user's %appdata% folder instead?

Thanks for your help.

- Robert
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(4) Replies
Level 6

Use the [AppDataFolder] instead of [LocalAppDataFolder]. If you don't see it in your "Files and Folders" view, do this:
1. right-click Destination Computer
2. select Show Predefined Folder
3. select AppDataFolder on the list.
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Level 4

OK. But the problem is that I cannot see the [AppDataFolder] in the "Show Predefined Folder" list. How do I make AppDataFolder appear?

BTW: I have created a Basic MSI Project project. Could that be the problem?
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Level 6

[AppDataFolder] is one of the built-in folders. Not sure why you can't see it.

Perhaps you can try entering the value "[AppDataFolder]" directly. I am sure MSI will recognize it.
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Level 4

That's a mystery to me too. I think the problem is specific to my project because I opened up some other Basic MSI projects and I could see it.

Anyway, I have fixed the problem by adding the [AppDataFolder] directory and all is well.

Thanks for your help

- Robert
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