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Level 8

How to install MS SQL 2005 in this case?


My installer is installing MS SQL 2005... To check the existence of SQL i am using the below code:

#define SQL_EXPRESS_VERSION 9.00.4035.00
nResult = VerCompare ( strSQLVersion, SQL_EXPRESS_VERSION, VERSION );
if (nResult = GREATER_THAN) then
blnSQLExpressInstalled = TRUE;
elseif (nResult = EQUALS) then
blnSQLExpressInstalled = TRUE;
blnSQLExpressInstalled = FALSE;

Now the problem is, most of the systems are having SQL with 9.00.3042.00 version... so as per the code installer is trying to install SQL, but i am getting the following error while installing SQL2005:

Can anybody suggest me an idea for this? how to install SQL without issue? whether i have to uninstall the old through installscript and continue or what?

Ofcourse this forum is not the right place, but i want to know from installer side can we do anything or not?
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(4) Replies
Level 6

This looks like you need to uninstall the previous before you can install the latest. To get the best answer though, you should go to the MSSQL forums, because this isn't an InstallShield prompt.
0 Kudos
Level 8


Thanks for your replay, yes it is a SQL prompt only.... but i want to know is there any way to install SQL without any issue... i mean detecting the previous version, uninstall silently... like that....
0 Kudos
Level 6

It would be the same as if you did it manually. You would just have to do each step programmaticly. Microsoft has a KB on uninstalling all of SQL 2005 manually.
0 Kudos
Level 6

And here is someone that is doing the silent install.. Looks like an old article, but should at least give you some direction.
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