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Level 6

How to have Handle hMSI in Suite Installer Installscript functions?

I have written a installscript code to detect free space and ram availability in the host machine.
The function works in a Installscript MSI project. BUT the same function doesn't work in Suite Installer.
Dont know why? Only difference in both the functions is in function definition:
For ISMSI project its: function CheckForMemoryAndDiskSpaceNEW(hMSI) which is getting called from OnBegin

For Suite project its : function CheckForMemoryAndDiskSpace(oExtension) which is getting invoked via CA in Onbegin event

The code is here:

The variable szFreeSpace gets proper value when run from ISMSI project, But becomes ZERO when run from Suite Installer.

Can anyone tell me whats the problem here?

TARGETDIR is null. If i replace it with WINDIR, then also its null. why these are null?

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(2) Replies
Level 13

Function definition is correct. I think it may have to do with where the action is sequenced. Try putting it as the first event in OnStaging.. I realize you may need the info before that... but just try that as a test.

Also LOG the install and see what that tells you.
0 Kudos
Level 6

rguggisberg wrote:
Function definition is correct. I think it may have to do with where the action is sequenced. Try putting it as the first event in OnStaging.. I realize you may need the info before that... but just try that as a test.

Also LOG the install and see what that tells you.

Solution: Looks like for some strange problem, Suite installer doesnt populate properties like WindowsVolume, WindowsFolder, WINDIR etc.
The only thing that worked for me in my case is ProgramFiles64Folder.
So, i will go with this property.

I agree with rguggisberg, that my INSTALLDIR might not getting populated because the stage at which i am checking is at the atmost starting. So, perhaps by that time INSTALLDIR property has not got its value.

Thanks friends.

Happy Learning !!
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