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Level 3

How to create a setup launcher to run different MSI packages

I have InstallShield professional 2009. I will need to create a 32 and 64 bit installation. I will need to create a 32 bit and a 64 bit MSI packages. I would like to create a setup.exe program that all it does is to detect if the OS is 32/64 bit and run the existing 32/64 bit packages that are located in the same directory. How can I do that?
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(3) Replies
Level 8

If you are using InstallScript, you need to check out the SYSINFO structure. Here is a snippet from the Help:

If the setup is running on a 64-bit platform, this value is non-zero.

I'll have to think about how in a Basic MSI project. You could probably check SYSINFO from within a custom action.

I haven't ever done a 64-bit installation, so someone else will have to speak to that part of your question.
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Level 8

I just looked, for a Basic MSI project, you should check out the Help topic, "Windows Installer Property Reference". There you will see several properties that hold the values of the 64-bit versions of common Windows folders.
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Level 3

I looked at the help page referred as "Windows Installer Property Reference". It is not what I am looking for. I know how to build a 64 bit package, what I would like input on is on how I can create a simple setup.exe that all it does is to call the right msi according to the OS I am running it from.
Is there an easy way to do that?
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