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Level 5

How to change shortcut folder icon


I am using Installshield 2008 to build a .msi. It creates one shortcut in start>ALL Programs>Myapp>launch.exe. I want to change the icon of Myapp(which is a folder not an exe) . Launch .exe is palced inside Myapp folder.

How can i change the default icon of folder by any specific icon.

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(4) Replies
Level 4

You can set your icon in General Information=>Add or Remove Programs=>Display Icon
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Level 5

Thanks for reply. But display icon changes the icon in Add/Remove Program .
I want to change the icon of shortcut folder under start>All Programs>Myapp>Launch.exe .

Can i do it by using AddFolderIcon function in script?? Is there any way to do it..???

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Flexera Alumni

I don't think there's anything built in; please do a web search for "desktop.ini" for one possible technique.
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Level 5

My Installer is installing 2 applications( .msi)..But in this case both applications are creating shortcut at different Paths on XP as well on Vista...
The shortcut path is same for both .Msi in Shortcut View. ALLUSERS is set to 2 in both .Msi.
On Xp path of shorcut of first .Msi is
%Documents and settings%All Users\Start Menu\MyApp
Path of secpnd .Msi is

%Documents and settings\Amit\Start Menu\Programs\MyApp

I want both shortcut files at same Path,under Alluser\StartMenu\..
Same problem persist on Vista ..

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