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Level 2

How to allwo Merge Modules to install to the INSTALLDIR

I have a merge module used by dozens of our installs. I recently added a component that needs to install to the Install Directory of the app it merges into. When I set the Component's Destination to [INSTALLDIR], it just goes to the root of the installation, and not to the install directory.

Is there a way I can set this on the merge module project so this component will install to the install directory? I have been successful if I change the destination of the MM in the application's installer, but I do not want to do this for every app that uses the MM if I can avoid it. Thanks for any help!
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(3) Replies
Level 2

Right click on merge module then go to its properties and set the destination to INSTALLDIR.
0 Kudos
Level 2

anoopmakhija wrote:
Right click on merge module then go to its properties and set the destination to INSTALLDIR.

Thank you, however I specified I've already done this. What I want to do is make this change on the merge module project itself. Not in the install project that is using the merge module. I have many projects that use this merge module, I'd rather not have to maintain adjusting that setting if I can avoid it.
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Level 16

Problem is, consider FeatureA with dependency of ModuleA with dependency of ModuleB

FeatureA -> ModuleA -> ModuleB

The right click associate to INSTALLDIR will only work for ModuleA. ModuleB will not be associated to INSTALLDIR, instead it will go to the root of the largest drive as you have noticed.

If you have many features and modules ( I have over 1000 merge modules ) this also becomes a pain to manage.

My solution? It's a bit of a hack but it's worked for years. I execute a SQL script against the built MSI to 'fix' the directory table so that INSTALLDIR.GUID directories have a parent of INSTALLDIR and a DefaultDir of '.'.

If there is a better way, I'd love to know it!
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