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Level 3

How to access .msi from the binary table

I have added a .msi for a database installation in the binary table. My goal is to invoke msiexec to install this database as a part of the main installation.

I created a custom action of type 'launch and executable' and the location as 'stored in the property table' where I store a property MSIEXEC. Now I want to invoke the .msi from the binary table. How do I specify this location in the target field? I tried to use the ISBuildSourcePath value from the binary table, but the msiexec cannot find the .msi file.

Thanks for any info.

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Level 7

Because of the difficulties involved in parent/child MSI packages, some described here, use a Prerequisite instead.

(Although that same thread does contain a sample project which launches a child msi.)

See the help topics, "Designing InstallShield Prerequisites" and "InstallShield Prerequisite Editor Reference".
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