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Level 2

How to Not Overwrite File?

I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out a way to have my installer do what I need in relation to one particular file. During the install I asked the user if they want to overwrite a specific file (checkbox that sets public property). I have that file in its own component with a condition on it checking the value of that public property. I also have Reevaluate Condition set to yes. When the user chooses to overwrite the file, it works properly. When they uncheck the option to overwrite, the file gets deleted from the hard drive. All I want the installer to do if they choose not to overwrite the file is to skip the installation of that component. Why is it deleting the file from the drive?

If I'm going about this completely wrong please let me know. This particular file contains special configuration data for our application which the user may or may not update so we need to give them the option to overwrite it or not.

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(1) Reply
Level 10

What kind of upgrade are you doing? A major upgrade uninstalls, then reinstalls, which would explain why the file "goes missing". If that's what you're doing, you may have to either copy the file and then put it back, or if there are only a couple configuration options, access and save the information and rewrite the customer information into the newly installed file.
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