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Level 4

How to NOT build redistributables every time?

Hi everyone,

I am working on a Basic MSI project with InstallShield 2009 Pro.

I created a CD-ROM installation media. In the IS under Support Files\Additional Files\Disk1 I place a support folder with different redistributables, with I want to use during my installation (see the screenshot). Because this support folder is ~600 MB with a lot of small files, every build takes about 10-12 minutes... 😞

The thing is - nothing changes in this folder!

Is it possible to avoid creating/copying this folder on every build?

Any other solution to this problem?

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Flexera Alumni

I'm not sure it applies to support files (Support-Dateien), but perhaps see the help topic (in English) "Performing Quick Builds"; the commands it refers to are under the Build menu.
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