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Level 8

How do I replace InstallShield in the Title Bar and Footer

I've replaced the InstallShield text in the strings list to use our product name, but can't seem to fix it on the title bar and the footer of each form above the buttons.

Recently, I ran a setup program from a company that was using InstallShield and they managed to do this properly. Looks much more professional than having InstallShield mentioned everywhere when the customer has no relationship with them.
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(2) Replies
Level 8

To remove InstallShield text from the dialog title, go to Direct Editor -> Dialog.
There you can change the title for every dialog that you are using.

I guess you'll have to customize your dialog skin for removing InstallShield from the bottom of the dialog.
0 Kudos
Level 8

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, thats a lot of work to do initially and a lot of trouble when the name of the application changes.

Creating our own custom skin may also be lot of work but it could be centralized. I already found that if I use a skin, my custom dialogs don't use it, so I'm not sure how to do so.

Where are the default skins stored? For instance, None and Blue? Maybe I can simply modify those.
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