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Level 6

How do I install SQL Server Express and .net libraries along with my application

This is the version that comes with Visaual Studio, right? So far I am only able to stop the installation if SQL Server is not found on the system. I want to go ahead and install my required programs along with my application. Is that possible with the light version?

We need to install 4.5 I saw in the release notes that 3.5 was supported.

I found the Redistributables tab. When I select .net 4.5 framework I am told I have to download something from Flex. The download fails. The same thing happens with SQL Server express......failed download. It seems as if downloading may be my problem. When I right-click a redistributable the option to download is not available.
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(2) Replies
Level 17

Do you have an internet connection on your machine? Also, try running Visual Studio as administator to see if it fixes the problem.
0 Kudos
Level 6

I do have an internet connection. It's the same computer I'm typing this on. I'm running VS as administrator. Once you get the error flag it won't try to download it again unless you create a new solution. It just gives you errors when you try to build.
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