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Level 2

How can we validate serial number by using webservice.


I am new to this forumn.

Actually we are creating setup project (.net c# .exe) using installshield11 professional edition.

In this installshield software I added customer information dialog and enabled the serial number textbox.

Here I need a help how to validate the serial number by using web service methods.

In this web service method I am validation with my database.

If it is available then i return true or false.

Can u please tell me how to validate serial number with webservice methods

Thanks advance.
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(2) Replies
Level 16

In general, I would leave this sort of logic out of the installer. It's better to have a first-run pattern in the application that can handle license activation.

However, if you really want it in the installer, it's possible to write a webservice, deploy it to a production website, and then write client side .NET code to consume it and expose it as a Custom Action to the installer. It just depends on your C# skill level.

If you already have a dependency on .NET 2.0, I'd look into WiX's DTF. This will output a dll with an exported function that can be consumed as a Windows Installer custom action using practically any tool that authors MSI databases.
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Level 2

Thanks Painter,

Here I created a dll to validate serial number.

How can I include this function in IS11 Professional edition.

I am unable to find this one.
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